Mengaroni opened its doors to students
and teachers from the partner schools of Tarnowskie Gory - Poland - Ciudad Real - Spain - and Osmanyie - Turkey - during
their one-week stay in Pesaro for the Comenius project “My Hometown S.P.A.C.E".
following the path marked by each word of the acronym S.P.A.C.E (SEARCH, PASSION, AMBITION,
CREATIVITY, EUROPE), Mengaroni students developed the traditional definition of
Pesaro as the city of 6 Ms (Mare=Sea, Mountains, Maioliche=Ceramics, Music,
Mobili=Furniture, Motors).
The main and
perhaps most creative phase of our work has certainly regarded the design of 6
ceramic routes and info panels through the city streets (one for each of the
6Ms) driving visitors (but also the inhabitants
of Pesaro) to discover corners, buildings, streets, museums that communicate or
preserve some important pieces of our local history.
The results
of this work was presented to the foreign delegations and to the community in
the course of a public presentation at the presence of local authorities and institutions
like Rotary Club which contributed to the project development. The presentation
was also the occasion for the opening of
the exhibition displaying works by each partner school on the theme of the town
space according to the idea of ambition.
In the course
of the week the European teams could
admire some landmarks of our hometown
and nearby areas.
In particular we visited Gradara, Urbino, Pesaro’s Musei Civici, Rossini Conservatory where they could enjoy a special music performance, the Synagogue with a Renaissance dance performance by Enrica Sabatini dedicated to the talent of Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro.
The final
event was represented by the fashion show
of dresses and costumes designed and produced by the Department of Fashion Design of Mengaroni and Zespól
Szkol Artystyczno - Projektowych of Tarnowskye Gory in Poland.
Amazing week in amazing company!